Saturday, December 31, 2011

A Year in Photos: 2011

A year in photos for 2011!  Basically, this has been Eliot's life up to this point.  Ha.  And I know it doesn't quite look like it, but I used some serious restraint not to add a bajillion more.  I'd link my post from last year, but that blog is about to expire, so you can go to Flickr instead.

The last pregnant photo.  I didn't realize that I was going to be induced the next day at probably about this same time.
January 14.  Our Eliot Thomas.

Valentine's Day picnic at the park
March beach trip to visit family
Backyard hanging out
Easter!  The cousins telling Eliot about the Easter Bunny.
Kimmy's birthday camping trip
The top of Mount Pleasant
Disney with Chris's family in June on our fourth anniversary!
Swimming at the lake in July
Fourth of July watermelon
We got Dexter!
July beach trip to visit family.  Eliot prefers the ocean to the bay.
Christopher's 26th birthday at Johnson's Farm
Colonial Williamsburg in September
Eliot was an ewok for Halloween
Barb's visit and our trip to DC!
Of course, Christmas
I have learned and grown so much in this past year.  Our whole family has.  Because we became one together.  We've been incredibly blessed and I am so thankful for everything we have, but most of all I am thankful for our love and time together.  We have so much of both.  Looking through these photos makes me absolutely giddy inside and I can't wait to take another year's worth (and make another gigantic entry next year) full of more memories.  And, man, I cannot WAIT for this summer.  Lakes!  Beaches!  Popsicles!  It's going to be awesome.

My resolution last year was to "stop faking labor"--I went in on New Year's Eve with contractions and left with worse contractions and no baby.  The pain scared me and I was not interested in going back and hoped to avoid giving birth all together because I knew it was going to get a lot worse.  I didn't go back until the 13th when I was induced.  I'm not sure who they were forcing into it--me or him--but it wasn't as bad as I feared and we had the most amazing little boy as the sun came up on the 14th.  I guess I did fulfill my resolution last year within two weeks.  Not bad.

My New Year's Resolution this year:  keep loving, give more, ask for help when I need it (I'm too independent), and don't worry.

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