Monday, December 19, 2011

The Passing of Days

Don't close your eyes.  It goes by so fast.  They grow up before you know it.
One of the many platitudes that people say upon discovering that a person is pregnant.  It is very true; Eliot is always growing and changing so much that I sometimes forget all of the little details.  While some parts of time going so quickly make me sad, like never getting "today" back again, I feel very fine with everything.  I think I have documented Eliot's first year rather well with photographs, letters, innumerable blog entries, and videos.  I could always do more, but I can look back and remember all the little details of Eliot traveling through infanthood.

Sometimes I don't take as many videos as I wish I did because I don't plan to post them.  Sometimes I wish we had a better video camera.  But repeatedly I remind myself that many of these videos are just for us and I will just love seeing the mundane, day-to-day of our little family growing and learning how to be "us".

Eliot is growing closer to turning one every day.  He has been since birth.  My sister-in-law said over the weekend, "Eliot was such a cute baby, but I love his personality now."  And I agree.  He made for an amazing baby.  He was beautiful.  He was fun.  He was precious.  But I love every new day as he learns how to play more, grows more independent, yet still wants to cuddle and gives the best baby hugs.  I'm sure I'll be saying something completely different come January 14th when my infant is suddenly a toddler, but for now I'm OK with Eliot growing up.

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