Thursday, December 22, 2011

Team Blue

While taking a break from grading yesterday, we headed out to buy a few Christmas presents.  I put Eliot's blue Oxford button down on, and Chris thought it was so cute that he decided to wear his.  Oh goodness.  I think matching is silly, but Chris absolutely loves it.  I don't know why I let these two out of the house like this, but it made Chris really happy.

Eliot wanted all of the footballs.

On the way home, we went by the grocery store.  The bell guy told us how cute he thought Chris and Eliot's matching outfits were.  Oh man.  Then he said I was doing a great job.  If only he knew!  I was pretty embarrassed, but I think it only fueled Chris's love for matching.  "Everyone probably thinks I'm really nice or really whipped," he said.  It's the latter assumption that worries me.  Ha!  I guess I don't want everyone to think I forced him into it.

Afterward, I picked up Stephanie and we made bread with my breadmachine (thanks, Mom and Dad!) while watching Tree of Life.  I had bought the movie for Chris for Christmas, but he guessed it and took it early.  Whatever.  I don't think a year has gone by when I haven't given Chris at least one present (if not all) early.  The bread turned out great, warm, and soft.  I made grilled cheese (and grapes and carrots) for Eliot for lunch.

Last night (or this morning), Eliot woke up screaming inconsolably.  He was laying in my arms, so I know he didn't get hurt.  I thought he was hungry.  Nope.  Maybe he was hot?  Not really.  It took about 20 minutes to get him to calm down and go back to sleep.  I have no clue what got him going.  Could have been as simple as a bad dream....  But moments like that get me worrying.  How will I some day balance his needs and a hypothetical little brother or sister?  We're not there yet, but I always jump to that thought when Eliot needs my full-on attention.  This really doesn't happen that often, though, so I try to assure myself that we will all adjust one day when the time comes.

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