Thursday, January 12, 2012

Three Days in One

I feel like Eliot and I had a week's worth of excitement in one day!

First, we went on a bike ride at Blackwater Creek.  Eliot fell asleep, of course.

After lunch, Eliot and I met Becca and Levi to play at a baby gym.  It was great to catch up with Becca and watch Levi and Eliot interact.  Levi just kept smiling and Eliot wanted to poke Levi and take his paci.

Eliot and Levi's due dates were exactly six months apart.  While Eliot was five days late, Levi actually arrived on his due date--what are the odds?  So, they're almost six months apart.

To my surprise, Eliot did not cry all the way home.  He fell asleep in the car, which is incredibly rare unless someone is back there with him.  He used to fall asleep in his infant carrier, no problem, but he isn't laying back at quite the same angle with his new one.  Anyway, he took a two-hour nap.  Then it was time to get up and head to campus for the basketball game.

Eliot is interacting even more with the game now.  He claps, shouts, and stares down the mascot.  He makes it all rather fun.

Here we are at 10:40 pm.  Eliot is laying on the floor with his panda bear.  And I am here wondering why we're not in bed.  I should take him up.

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