Dear Eliot,
You are nine months old! Today, you have been with us on the outside for as long as I carried you on the inside--actually, we have five more days for that since you were five days late. Nine months sounds like such a big number and perhaps justifiably so--you are doing big things.
This month, you have grown into such a boy. You do all sorts of big kid things. You have turned into a thrower and love tossing your toys all around. This is fine most of the time, Eliot, but it isn't a good idea at restaurants. You also have grown to be very awesome at giving high fives.
They say that babies' eyes can change for up to nine months. I thought you might have brown eyes since they are dominant, but you were born with dark blue eyes. Your dad and I have been watching and waiting for them to turn to their final, definite color. Now I think we have reached that point where we can officially say that you have dark, dark green eyes with small bits of dark blue and brown. Your eyes are beautiful! And your eye lashes! They are so long! Your eyes are so very expressive. Eliot, I have always had this thing for green eyes. I think it is because green eyes are not that common. Somehow, your eyes are the perfect combination of my brown eyes and your dad's blue-green eyes.
We don't have an official weight or height yet since your doctor's appointment is coming up, but the scale at home reads nineteen pounds. You are in size nine month clothes and some twelve month clothes. Your speech has continued to expand as you now "jabber" by combining multiple syllables. Your favorite right now seems to be "mom-ba". You say all sorts of things, like mama, dada, baba, nana, yaya, and many other words that I don't know how to spell. I'm not sure that you actually connect people and objects with the words yet, but you certainly yell "mama" a lot when you are upset.
Your eating is going well; your favorite food is broccoli and cheddar soup. Pureed baby food is still OK with you, but you prefer to eat what we are eating. Whenever I sit down for a meal, I have to worry about the two dogs and then also you snatching my food away. You will eat almost anything as long as we are eating it, including whole grain bread crust, tomato sauce, vegetarian chili, turkey or chicken, black beans, and so much more! Your teething seems to be bothering you more this time around as your top teeth are coming in, but you aren't impossible, just not feeling too well.
You keep growing more and more mobile. And fast. And independent. You love to cuddle and play with me, but you are happy to explore on your own as well. It isn't uncommon for you to crawl into the dining room, pull all of your books down, and thumb through each of them. You also like to play with things that are not toys at all, like Mr. Rufus's water bottle. We're working on that....
You are cruising all over the place like it is no big deal. You just use one hand, but you barely seem to need it to keep your balance. In fact, you did stand up once without pulling up and stood for a few seconds, but you were on the couch, so maybe you were leaning on a cushion somehow. You push your walker-cart toy around, and it only gets away from you sometimes because the wheels go so fast on the hardwood floors. You also use the dining room chairs as walkers. And anything else that is tall and can be moved, like cardboard boxes. I've been saying that I think you will be walking by Thanksgiving--I'm holding to it, so don't let me look silly here!
Despite your independence, you still love to cuddle. My favorite moments are when you pull up on my legs and ask to be held.
This month, you have grown especially attached to your puppy, Dexter. We have taken a lot of road trips this month. A lot. Like, three four-hour trips. When we get going, Dexter jumps in the car seat with you, and the two of you cuddle almost the whole way. You laugh at him being with you, and then fall asleep. It's just precious. I felt kind of silly getting a puppy since you are, well, a baby, but the two of you are so close. I know it was the right decision.
You are a very social baby boy. You love to people watch and interact with those around you. You absolutely love your cousins, Sydney and Matthew. I wish that I could introduce you to more babies and children, but I don't really know many people with kids in the area. You're a really sweet boy, though, and I know you'll continue to do well socially when I see you smiling at everyone you meet.
This month, your dad celebrated his twenty-sixth birthday. We all went to Johnson's Farm to get apples and look at the animals. Your dad told you how happy he was that you were there with us and how he loved your birthday so much more than his own because it was the day that you came to us. We went to Johnson's Farm last year at the beginning of September as well. I was pregnant with you then, and while your dad and I had fun, it was so much better to have you there with us. I say it all the time, but everything is better when you're around.
Friday, October 14, 2011
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