Monday, September 16, 2013

Dear Eliot: Two Years, Eight Months

Dear Eliot,

We have so much fun with you these days.  You are such an individual.  Our trips to the beach are full of excitement as you run around chasing seagulls, jumping in the water, and digging holes.  You love being outside and going on adventures.  At the same time, you love going to the aquarium and playing dinosaurs at home.
You've been saying complex sentences for a while, but lately I've been really impressed with sentences you put together.  I was telling you that you made Jack happy and you made me happy too.  You replied, "I make both of you happy!"  I think that is a rather advanced concept to grasp, and I love how you are learning how to say the same thing but in different ways.  Maybe that is the writer in you.

Speaking of writing, I started working on writing letters with you at the end of last month.  I would write out your name and then you would trace the letters.  A couple of days later, you proclaimed that you wrote your name by yourself.  Sure enough, you wrote out a few letters, but you distinctly wrote "E O L" among them.  I was impressed!  Then at your doctor's appointment, I was filling out a form.  After I wrote your name, you asked, "You writing my name with that pen?"  So, I think you really can recognize your name written out.  You love drawing and coloring, and your pictures often do look like what you call them.  You draw alligators, sting rays, people, and so many, many things.
Recently, you had taken to being "shy" around people--even people you know very well--especially adult men.  You cover your eyes with my hand and hide behind me.  I know this is just a phase, but it sure is silly.  After a little while, you warm up and are your usual, bubbly self.

We took you to your two and a half year appointment this month, which was a little late, but not too bad.  At three feet tall, you are still 90 percentile for height, just like from your very first doctor's appointment as a newborn.  I am always a little worried about your weight since you are so slim, but the doctor said that you are so tall that it would be nearly impossible to "bulk" you up.  She was happy with everything with your development, and you have met all of the two and a half milestones months and months ago.  I'm so thankful that you are doing well in all areas.

You are an amazing big brother.  When I set Jack down in his carseat, you rock it gently and ask so sweetly, "You wanna get out, Jackie?"  You always want to be holding his hand.  You act so concerned whenever Jack cries and assure him that "it's all right".  You call him your best friend, buddy, baby brother, and say you love him.  Your dad offered to take you on a special trip to get pancakes with him, but you said you didn't want to go if Jack didn't come too.  You draw pictures for Jack, and I love watching you "read" to him and trying to show him the pictures in your books.  You've been my "baby" for so long that it is so odd and beautiful to watch you care for another baby.

Eliot, you make me so proud every day.  Thank you for your trust, your love, your hugs and kisses--I treasure each day with you.

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