Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The First Few Days

It's hard to believe that our Jack will be a week old tomorrow.  Today was our due date, and I am so glad that I went ahead and got induced early for so many reasons.

Last Friday around noon, we brought Jack home.  Eliot was waiting for us at the front door and excitedly greeted us.  I was so glad to see him.  Eliot rocked Jack and poked him.

Chris's parents mentioned that Eliot didn't seem to be feeling the best, and Chris had been feeling bad in the hospital too.  It didn't take long for Eliot to curl up in my lap sounding congested and acting lethargic.  Yep, he and Chris had caught my mega cold.  Chris's family headed out of town shortly after we got home in order to give us all space.  We ended up trying to give Eliot some medicine and cuddling with him in bed.  I could tell he felt horrible and fell asleep laying on my chest.  I was worried that we were in for it....  My parents brought a veggie lasagna for us for dinner while Eliot slept on me on the couch and Jack slept on the boppy on the couch.  Eliot was so out of it that he didn't even wake up.  I had no clue how we were going to make it through the night with both kids needing me and Chris felt pretty horrible too.

However, it worked out all right!  Eliot went to sleep OK with some medicine and Jack went to sleep around midnight.  Jack slept so well that I had to wake him up for feedings.  The process of getting him back down took about an hour, but he would sleep great once I got him there.

From there, the days kind of blurred together.  Eliot seemed to be feeling a little better and was playing.  He loves Jack and doesn't seem jealous, but Eliot is extra clingy to me.  I had to be in sight at all times or else he'd scream for me and cry.  Not only was he sick, but I think he was afraid I was leaving again since my time in the hospital was the first time I had spent a night away from him.  Chris did what he could to help, but Eliot just needed some mom time, I suppose.  Even though Chris was feeling worse each day, he decided to be in charge of fun time for Eliot.

Jack took it easy on me, though.  He is generally a happy baby.  He will nap in the crib by himself and doesn't cry when he wakes up.  He eats great and about once an hour.  I'm working on getting him to go longer between feedings and to eat longer, but I'm not too worried about pushing it.  After he eats, he gets a little fussy because he has trouble burping and often spits up some.  While he might have a little upset tummy, I don't think it is reflux, but I'm keeping an eye out for that.

Jack likes being read to

and cuddling in the sling

and laying on a blanket outside

and watching Eliot make funny faces.

At Jack's doctor's appointment, I was happy to learn that he has gained a lot of weight.  From my understanding, people aim to get babies back up to their birth weight when breastfeeding within four weeks.  Jack was 6 pounds, 12 ounces at birth and then 6 pounds, 9 ounces when we left the hospital--which I am told is good.  At his appointment on Monday, he was 7 pounds, 5 ounces.  Just nursing--no pumping or formula.  The kid puts some milk down.

We're all so in love with our Jack.  It feels so natural for him to be here as part of our family.  I couldn't imagine how we'd all fit together, but we do.  Considering the fact that Eliot and Chris are sick and we're both still working from home, I bet it will get even easier in a week or so.

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