What a productive weekend! My parents came in town with hopes of tackling a reasonable yet long to-do list. In fact, we had planned for this list to take up two weekends, and while it will in the end, we got so much done that next time will just be little clean ups.
We renovated the downstairs bathroom last year. It needed it. However, we never actually hung a door (oops). This sounds bad, but it is attached to the downstairs bedroom (office/playroom) and the toilet and shower are really around a corner, so people would have plenty of privacy. Still, it needed a door.
Hanging a door can be surprisingly complex! Like everything else in this old house that doesn't believe in right angles, the frame was set for a non-traditional door size. So, Chris and my dad picked up an inexpensive door. You know, the ones that are technically hollow? Well, we just needed to trim off an inch, but that was too much. We had a hole exposing all of the door guts--foam and cardboard. Back to Lowes for a solid, more expensive door! It is all set up now and just needs some paint and the door knob. That is for next time.

The weatherman was promising snow today, but I didn't fully believe them. Just goes to show what I know because it has been snowing since around 11:00 am. It's about time we got our first snow of the season. It has been so warm this winter (and I truly appreciate that) that I didn't think Eliot would see his first snow this year at all. Here it is, though, and I think it might be my favorite kind. Pretty, but doesn't stick around too long. Tomorrow is supposed to be rather warm, so we're getting our playtime in early before it all melts.
Eliot thought the snow was interesting at first. That is, until he touched it with his hands. He didn't cry or scream, but he definitely wanted to be picked up. Ha! Maybe we'll have more fun in the morning.
I'm so glad that we got a few photos of the house in the snow this year. Since we painted it last summer, the colors are perfect for wintry whites. I think it looks great.
Tonight, we went outside to get a few night photos of the house. It was surprisingly comfortable outside; we enjoyed walking up and down the neighborhood street.
And for those of you who are keeping up, my laptop is almost officially toast. It was so bad that my dad took it home with him to possibly (and probably) have to wipe. Chris has been kind enough to share with me, so I'm trying not to have a nervous breakdown over all of this craziness, but I have been surprisingly cool, especially considering how distraught and stressed out I was last week. Sometimes you just have to get it out to then calm down and take care of things.