Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Life Lately

It has been a rough few days.  On Monday, Jack was either in tears or needing to be held all day.The next day, Eliot woke up and promptly threw up in my bed.  The little guy has only thrown up two other times in his life, so this was really weird, and he kept throwing up on the hour.  Fortunately, he got much better in the afternoon and is back to normal all the way.  For three nights both boys stayed up past 11:00 pm, which is so nuts because they kept waking up at their normal time in the morning.  And Jack has been waking four times a night.  Ahhh!

Tonight, though, both boys went to sleep shortly after 9:00 pm.

It's been, well, an off few days for me and I've felt super cooped up (and we went to the zoo today, so it was great to get out), but I'm trying to focus on the good details. 

Exploring caterpillars in the backyard with Eliot.

Jack's inquisitive, observant eyes.

The way Eliot always wants to hold Jack's hand.
All of Eliot's precious and hilarious sayings.  And how he gasped with amazement every time I turned the page in the Toys'R'Us Christmas catalog.

And carving a pumpkin with my little buddies, even though I didn't feel like it, because I knew I'd regret it if we didn't.  It was worth getting up and continuing our little Halloween tradition.

Sometimes I worry about Eliot getting too "materialistic" with the way he wants so many toys and just... things.  However, he gets most excited about a new pack of crayons, some notebook paper, and my attention while he draws.  I draw with him every day, but I should arrange for us to have longer sessions.  It really seems to mean the world to him.

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