Thursday, November 15, 2012

Dear Eliot: 22 Months


You are getting mighty close to two years!  I'm not too to pieces over it (yet) because you still seem small to me.

The things you are doing, though, are not "small".  We have funny little conversations sometimes as you put words together.  When you have had one too many smelly dog kisses, you shout, "Ew! Go go go!  OUT!" 

This month has been all about fall and trying to make the most of our last weeks before it grows cold.  You have enjoyed days at the park, carving pumpkins, picking apples, and running around in your Halloween costume.  You were a dinosaur!
I'm a little sad to say that we did not take you trick-or-treating this year.  We planned to, but it just didn't work out.  I think you'll forgive me, though, because instead we saw family members in town and you got to play with THREE cats.  Cats are definitely your favorite animals.

You are also the world's worst backseat driver.  Not only do you boss the driver around, but you tell the driver to do very dangerous things.  While sitting at a stop light or stop sign, you yell, "Go go go go!"  Not safe, little friend.  However, when a car almost hit me once, you picked up the phrase, "WHOA, WHOA!"  You have added this phrase to your driving instructions.
Speaking of safe, it was time to get you a new carseat!  Your baby head hit the top of your current one and it was time to get you a bigger one.  This new one should fit you for years to come.

Eliot boy, you have weird, adult tastes.  Your dad got two shots of decaf espresso with whipped cream on top.  You demanded to try it, so he gave you a sip.  You loved it!  What?!

You are recognizing letters.  Maybe not specific letters all the time, but you know when you see letters.  You point and say, "E-E-O-E-O-O" as if you were reading the letters aloud.  We are working on more your letters and bought you an alphabet puzzle a couple of days ago.  I think you can already recognize E, O, and T--maybe more.  You'll be spelling your name in no time!  Also, I think you said your first full sentence yesterday.  You said, "I got the ball!" as you crumbled up a wrapper into a ball. Very fitting.

I am always impressed by how observant you are.  Whether you are pointing out a dinosaur on a character's shirt on TV or pointing skyward at a distant bird, you tell us what you see.

This month, you ran your second race.  This time, you raced big kids and three kids about your age.  While the older kids clearly out ran you, I think you beat the other little ones.  You get so excited to race.  You crouch down and take off running the whole time.  I wonder if you make the connection between seeing your dad run races and then you lining up to run with other kids....  Maybe you'll look back on this and think we were silly.  Maybe it is silly, but I like to think that running is something that you will enjoy.
We were getting a little worried because you were acting super cranky for a few days.  It seemed like we just could not get you enough rest or satisfy you.  I didn't know if those two-year molars were coming in or if you were still thrown off by the time change or if you were asserting your independence or what....  Maybe you were feeling kind of sick (your dad has had a cold) because you are mostly back to normal now.  Phew.  I knew you were too sweet inside to be that grumpy all the time.

One of the cutest things you do lately is say, "Momma.  Dada.  Baby."  You say it with such affection when we are all together.  It's like you recognize that we are a family and are happy to be with us.  The three of us together makes me happy too, Baby.  I never knew how close we could all be until you came around to make us into a family.

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